User Agreement

Welcome to our WEB3.0NFT website! Please read the following User Agreement carefully before using our Platform. This Agreement sets out the rights and obligations between you and us. By using our WEB3.0NFTNFT website, you agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this Agreement.

User registration and account: 1. Before using our NFT website, you need to register a user account. You are required to provide accurate, true and complete personal information and ensure that your account information remains current, accurate and complete. 2. You will be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password, and for all activities that occur under your account and password. 3. You agree not to provide your account information to any third party, nor to use other users’ accounts to access or use our platform.

Intellectual Property Rights: 1. All content on our WEB3.0NFTNFT website, including but not limited to artistic works, music, videos, images and text, are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not infringe the intellectual property rights of others in any form, including but not limited to copying, displaying, distributing or modifying the works of others.

Purchase NFT: 1. Our platform provides a market for users to purchase NFT works. Please read and understand the relevant transaction terms and conditions carefully before proceeding with any transaction. 2. You understand and agree that we do not assume any responsibility for the NFT works you purchase on our platform, including but not limited to the quality, authenticity and legality of the works. 3. We encourage users to conduct appropriate research and due diligence before making transactions to ensure the safety and reliability of transactions.

Disclaimer: 1. Our NFT website may link to other third-party websites or resources, but we do not make any guarantees about the content, accuracy and reliability of these third-party websites. 2. You understand and agree that using our platform is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may encounter while using our Platform.

Changes to the Agreement: 1. We reserve the right to modify this User Agreement at any time. Any modifications will be published on our NFT website and will be effective from the date of publication. 2. If you continue to use our platform, it means that you accept the modified User Agreement.



用户注册和账户: 1. 在使用我们的NFT网站之前,您需要注册一个用户账户。您需要提供准确、真实和完整的个人信息,并确保您的账户信息保持最新、准确和完整。 2. 您将对您的账户和密码的保密负全部责任,并对使用您的账户和密码进行的所有活动负责。 3. 您同意不将您的账户信息提供给任何第三方,也不会使用其他用户的账户进行访问或使用我们的平台。

知识产权: 1. 我们的WEB3.0NFTNFT网站上的所有内容,包括但不限于艺术作品、音乐、视频、图像和文本,均受知识产权法律的保护。您不得以任何形式侵犯他人的知识产权,包括但不限于复制、展示、传播或修改他人的作品。 

购买NFT: 1. 我们的平台提供了一个市场,供用户购买NFT作品。在进行任何交易之前,请仔细阅读和理解相关的交易条款和条件。 2. 您理解并同意,对于您在我们的平台上购买的NFT作品,我们不承担任何责任,包括但不限于作品的质量、真实性和合法性。 3. 我们鼓励用户在进行交易之前进行适当的研究和尽职调查,以确保交易的安全和可靠性。

用户行为: 1. 在使用我们的NFT网站时,您必须遵守适用的法律法规和本协议的规定。 2. 您不得从事任何违法、欺诈、侵犯他人权利或妨害平台正常运营的行为。 3 您不得上传或发布任何淫秽、诽谤、侮辱、歧视或其他违反道德和伦理准则的内容。

免责声明: 1. 我们的NFT网站可能会链接到其他第三方网站或资源,但我们对这些第三方网站的内容、准确性和可靠性不进行任何保证。 2. 您理解并同意,使用我们的平台是基于您个人的风险。我们不对您在使用我们的平台过程中可能遇到的任何损失或损害承担责任。

协议变更: 1. 我们保留随时修改本用户协议的权利。任何修改将在我们的NFT网站上公布,并自公布之日起生效。 2. 如您继续使用我们的平台,则表示您接受修改后的用户协议。

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